Fokker F-50

Skywest Fokker 50, VH-FND

A group of travel agents chartered this flight to Cunderdin. It was one of 3 charters that day. Thanks to the friendly crew for the photos & chat. Also, the flight attendant made my day with her friendly attitude & smile. Just what an FA should be. Hope you guys had as much fun on the return flight as I did meeting you!

Just arrived, and already the stairs are going down. Can you tell this is in the country, by the people wandering around the aircraft? This would NEVER happen in Perth!!
This thing is huge - I don't think even my dad would be taller than one of the blades.
Surrounded by Pax
Eager show-goers waiting for a tour inside (and a photo!) That's me in the yellow hat.
Nose to nose
It looks like it's smiling... honest! If you look carefully...
Me and FND
I grew quite attached to FND during the air show. Was sad to see her go, but I'm sure she'll be around in PER again. In fact, I think I saw her fly by this morning! :)
FND finds her people
...except for the three they had to stop and wait for...
Goodbye FND!
I took this standing on portable stairs. Unfortunately the glare means the pilots can't be seen in the photo.

...touchdowns on this page.

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