Flight Logs - Adelaide

Finally have got back photos of my most recent flight...

Some good, some bad, but most here. I hate foggy windows!

Me in 1 of my fave places...
In a plane of course! On the way home. Excuse my messy hair :p
B-737 "Success". All the B-737's parked there had names, like "Conviction", "Courage", "Daring". Neat.
Winglets...good shot too.
This flight to Melbourne was leaving as we were walking across the tarmac.
Spirit of Oz
This is one of the best, I reckon.
We're being followed...
...oops it's just our shadow!
landing gear...whoops...BUMP! :p j/k, it was a perfect landing!
Can't believe this...
Just went click and what a beautiful photo. Dried-up riverbed below, beautiful blue sky above!

...touchdowns on this page.